Nancy’s Story: How the Y Helped During My Breast Cancer Healing Journey

Published On: October 1, 2024Categories: Blog, Exercise, Inspiration

Nancy Valdez has been a member of the YMCA of Greater Houston for over 10 years. Nancy connected with the Y when her kids were in elementary school. Facing a layoff, Nancy needed a safe place she could trust for her children’s programs. The Y was able to help. The Y provided financial assistance, making it possible for her to afford membership and program fees. The supportive staff even helped her create a resume during her job search. Nancy knew she had found something special at the Y.

In 2020, Nancy received the difficult news that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Over the next 18 months, she went through chemotherapy and radiation, experiencing hair loss and making her self-conscious. In addition, she was homebound a majority of the time due to her weakened immune system. She was able to see her family but missed her friends. During her treatment, one of her group exercise instructors, Hilda, reached out to her to check on her and invite her to come back to try a class. “I was so embarrassed to get out of the house and scared because my immune system was so weak,” Hilda explained that with the new reservation system, she would be able to see how many people were already signed up for a class and could decide if it was too crowded or not and wear her mask. Nancy decided to give it a try.

All her friends were so happy to see her when she attended her first class. No one made her feel uncomfortable or cared that she was wearing a scarf. They were just happy that she was there. The welcoming and acceptance she received that day motivated Nancy to keep coming back. “I was just a normal person who wanted to have fun and exercise just like everyone else.” She originally went to one class a week but started adding additional classes on different days.

In addition to improving her mental state, participating in group exercise classes also made her physically stronger. “The more I laid down at home, the more sick I felt and couldn’t feel better.” Nancy needed to move! When she was at the Y, she didn’t feel sick. Talking to people made her feel better and even though she was working out at a slower pace than everyone else, she was moving. Her oncologist was happy she was exercising again and supported her gradual return to exercise.

Nancy has been in remission for two years now and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but the Y. “Everyone treats people like humans. They are very kind and it’s not a place where people will make you feel uncomfortable. Everyone says hi to each other.” Nancy wants to be somewhere she feels welcome and is part of everyone’s team. Nancy no longer needs financial assistance and wants to continue to pay it back to help another family. “I’m not going to leave the Y, ever!”

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